Confirmation is a step toward a deeper knowledge and
appreciation of Jesus Christ and the Church. It is also the final step
of initiation into full membership in the Catholic Church. It does not
mean graduation from church.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated in the spring of 10th
appreciation of Jesus Christ and the Church. It is also the final step
of initiation into full membership in the Catholic Church. It does not
mean graduation from church.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated in the spring of 10th
In Confirmation, we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit --
permanent dispositions that help us to follow the guidance of
the Holy Spirit. With these gifts we are able to live lives guided
by the Holy Spirit and, in doing so, to build the Church.
WISDOM helps us to seek and know the truth as God sees it.
UNDERSTANDING helps us to open our minds and hearts to
others so we can identify with their feelings and see life from
their point of view.
RIGHT JUDGMENT, or COUNSEL, gives us the important ability to
judge between good and evil, to live according to God's ways.
COURAGE gives us the inner strength, or fortitude, to stand up
for what we believe in through the gift of our faith, and to put
our beliefs into action.
KNOWLEDGE gives us the opportunity to reflect on the life of the
Trinity and the oneness of God's being in three interrelated,
equal Divine Persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We seek to
know God as any human being knows his or her parents.
REVERENCE, or PIETY, helps us to worship God, especially by
participating fully in the liturgical life of the Church. This gift
also helps us to have an active personal prayer life and to
respect others.
WONDER and AWE in God's presence, allows us to recognize all
of life and creation as a gift from God. This gift helps us
continue to work to improve our relationship with God and to
respond to the needs of others.
We do not assume all teens wish to be confirmed.
The signs of readiness as determined by the Diocese of Syracuse
- A personal faith consciousness as indicated by some type of personal prayer life and an awareness of God in his/her life.
- An appreciation of Sacred Scripture as a unique aspect of God's revelation and as an invitation to an ongoing relationship.
- A communion faith consciousness as indicated by participation in the faith community according to his/her ability, including Sunday Eucharist.
- A sense of service as indicated by participation in service within the parish and the larger community.
- A sense of Christian identity as indicated by participation in the faith formation process and other faith opportunities.
- Confirmation calls for a personal decision on the part of the candidate.
- A Confirmation retreat provides the time necessary for the candidates to reflect on the process and meaning of the Sacraments in their life.